Sunday, June 13, 2010

Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile by Reviewing Your Competition

If you're seeking a way to enhance your profile on LinkedIn, try this simple technique, which will help to educate you as well as offer you insights on the competition.

1. Get out your kitchen timer and set it for 15 minutes. Then hit the button to start.

2. Log into LinkedIn. If you don't have a profile yet, visit and set up a free profile.

3. Go to your profile page and print your profile. You'll keep this at your side during today's session for notetaking.

4. Next to the search bar in the top menu, you'll see the word "Advanced." Click on this word to go to "Advanced People Search."

5. In the "Title" search box, type in your targeted job title (for job seekers) or current job title (for working professionals), then click the "Search" button at the bottom of your screen.

6. Scroll through the search results until you see a profile of interest. (hint: Notice the profiles that don't pique your curiosity, too.)

7. When you find a profile of interest, click the person's name to view their profile. Look at their summary statement, keywords, photo, recommendations, groups. Make a note on your printed profile of specific items you would like to enhance. You might find some summary statements that are relevant to your experience, too. Don't plagiarize, but rather compare those summary statements to your own and consider further enhancing your profile based on what you see. As an example, I found a connection who listed "Speaking Engagements" in his summary section and now I list those on my profile, too.

8. Go back to search results and repeat.

9. When your timer beeps at the 15 minute mark, you're done for today! Although you might be tempted, don't spend any more time on your profile for today. Walk away from the computer and plan to use those learnings to work on your profile updates tomorrow. Chances are, you will be subconsciously thinking about what you saw until tomorrow, which will help you better identify the changes you want to make on your profile.

Brenda Meller

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