Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Shhh.... Hiding Profile Updates

Q: I would like to update my Linked In profile. However, I am "Linked" to some of my present co-workers. How can I update my profile without my co-workers receiving the message that (name) has updated her profile? 

A: Excellent question. There are definitely times when you may wish to turn off the broadcast feature on LinkedIn. This is the feature that posts an update on your LinkedIn timeline (and thus shares with your first level connections in the homepage feed) when you have updated your photo. And then your job title. And then your summary statement. And then your education. Etc. Etc. All may be signs that you are either completing an incomplete profile, or getting ready to make a career move. And therefore, you may wish to be a bit more subtle on those profile updates. 

Here's how you hide your profile updates from being broadcast to your network. 

1. Go to "Privacy and Settings" (hover over the box by your avatar photo in the upper right hand side of your LinkedIn homepage to get to "Privacy and Settings")

2. In the "Profile" tab, click the link to modify "Turn on/off your activity broadcasts"

3. Uncheck the box that reads "Let people know when you change your profile, make recommendations, or follow companies"

Even LinkedIn know's what's up. Here's what it reads below that box:
Note: You may want to turn this option off if you're looking for a job and don't want your present employer to see that you're updating your profile.

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