Originally posted at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reminder-update-your-linkedin-profile-once-per-meller-zawacki-?trk=mp-reader-card
Chance are you have goals. Personal goals. Professional goals. If you schedule your goals, you have a greater chance of keeping on track, right?
Same concept applies to your LinkedIn profile.
I know you're busy (I am, too), so I'll keep this post brief.
LinkedIn tip: review your LinkedIn profile once per quarter to ensure your skillset and achievements are up-to-date. Spend just 15 minutes reviewing your profile. Chances are, you will find something that could be updated.
Take this a step further, and set yourself a calendar reminder at the beginning of each quarter. You deserve to make this time for yourself. After all, your LinkedIn activities may help support you in your profession, which in turn will support your company, make your boss happy, etc. etc.
BONUS for you overachievers*: Look at other with your current or targeted job title for inspiration. See what they say about themselves. Your competition sees their profiles, so should you. Use the "Advanced" search feature to search for these individuals.
*If you are reading this blog, you are an overachiever.
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